I found it!!!!!

No exaggeration - Every month or every other month, I google one thing and pray that someone put it online. For the last 4 years, I have done this. I have diligently researched and even e-mailed MTV to find out if I can get a copy of what you see below. I watched this 6 years ago in my college apartment, and knew this guy had something that I wanted. On the eve of my album release, it is only appropriate that God said: "here, you get to watch this again NOW - after 6 years." When Kanye put out his first solo record, he paved the way for an artist like G-Vo. Words can't express how much that means to me. I will be eternally grateful to him for paving the way. One day, I will be working with him - possibly performing with him. This is one of my deepest longings - one of my heart's desires. Kanye, people have hated on you for 6 years - But only the greatest people get torn apart. Thank you for helping me create - for helping me stay original - for inspiring me to make my own lane. I don't agree with some of the things you stand for and say, but I respect and admire you nonetheless. I can't wait for our first track together. I may not make you as much money as Jay-Z, but I can speak to your soul - and to the rest of the world as well - Peace, and much love to you! - John Baptist!

Kanye West MTV Diary '04 from Brandan Evans on Vimeo.


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