"I did it for the glory" - Kanye West

Every action or good deed creates glory.  When you do something that is "worthy of praise," glory automatically occurs.  Even when you do something wrong, glory turns on.  Glory is a powerful phenomenon - much like love.  Glory cannot be contained - we are people of glory.  We consume it, give it, occupy it, and wrap ourselves in it.  Glory is like water.  If you respect it, you will not be drowned.  Much like water, if you know glory is beyond you, you may be able to survive it.

When God created us in His own image, I wonder if He gave us the component that desired glory.  God wants glory.  There is no question about it.  He doesn't want glory in the same way our deeply flawed hearts desire it.  This is where we get confused and start competing with the most High.      

I think this is one of the main poisons of our generation - the desire to share God's glory. 

It is almost appaling to us that God desires to be glorified.  Afterall, isn't God supposed to be humble?  Wasn't Jesus so great because He humbled Himself to be a regular human, and then died for us even though He could've commanded angels to obliterate His enemies?  Deep down inside, I wonder if us "followers of the light" have really bought into the concept of giving God His due glory.  I believe this generation questions this, even though no one is bold enough to admit it.  I believe that we are a bit turned off with the idea that God wants glory in everything.  We always say "to God be the glory."  I would love to know who really means it fully.  I am sometimes suspicious of those that verbally express glory to God in a way that seems artificial.

I think what we are really saying in our hearts is: "All glory to God, but give me some of the glory too because I deserve it."  We are more than willing to give God the glory because we never want to be full of hubris.  We give God His glory so we don't get struck with lightning.  We give God His glory because we know it's the right thing to do - but we somehow completely miss what God's glory truly is - what giving glory to God really means.

Giving God His glory does not mean giving Him credit.  His glory is not telling Him or the world how He helped you through a particular process.  Giving Him the glory is not saying how such and such would not be possible without Him.  Giving God His glory is not shrinking down to size how He has helped you.  This is actually glorifying yourself.  This is being self-consumed yet again.  This becomes about how He helped you. You, you, you, you, and...you.  Glory to God is not "what God did" and highlighting His hand in your life.  Do you know why? - Because you can do this with a human.  Interchange God with everything I have mentioned in this paragraph with someone who is close to you - you can probably place a best friend there, or a mother, or a father, or a brother.  When we give our family or friends "credit" we are not glorifying them - we are just mentioning them or thanking them - that is appropriate and good - but when it comes to God, think again.

People have not experienced a full amount of healing and freedom because they want glory.  You have to learn how to glorify God, and what giving glory is not.  This is key.  This will take you from the prisons of your own self, to a life full of promise, love, joy, peace, and restoration.  We must not give God credit.  We must enter into praise.  We must not treat God as a footnote.  We must enter into an embodiment of His glory.  We must not thank God and assume we are glorifying Him.  We must make our life an instrument of praise and humility.  We must not reduce God into a necessary step that made what we do possible.  When someone sees you, they must glorify God.  You should not have to open your mouth.  When people know you, are they lead to you, or are they inpsired and motivated to become more intimate with their Creator?  Do you want a piece of God's glory? 

If God shared His glory with us, we would die instantly.  Our brains would melt and our hearts would turn into ashes.  This is how foolish it would be for our lowly selves to desire any form of glory from the Alpha Omega.  God is not robbing you by depriving you of His glory - He is saving you.  He is always looking after you.  He is always elevating you.  I'm ashamed of anytime I ever desired glory in a passive or unconscious way - even as I write this - it makes me sick.  God over everything.  Peace and much love to you - Jeevo.


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